
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Staying Safe as an HSP
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Highly sensitive people are often drawn to work which allows them to help others. They tend to be very good at noticing someone who is in pain and knowing how best to help. But it can set us up to be taken advantage of. How do we balance between staying open enough to connect in meaningful ways...but while also staying vigilant enough to know when we might be in danger (either physically or emotionall?) Listen in to find out!

Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Health Tips for the Highly Sensitive Millennial
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Highly sensitive people of all ages are having to develop some survival strategies/techniques to thrive in our modern-day highly stimulating world...but millennials have some unique challenges. It is the first generation to have unlimited access to Google (it's the first generation for whom "google" is a regularly used verb). We are a generation who has needed to be particularly adaptable to massive changes in an economy that has just now started to get back on its feet. How do we create a life that is meaningful and flexible? How can we thrive at work and in our relationships? How do we answer the question "what is enough?" Find out on today's episode!

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
The Upside to Getting Sick as an HSP
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Most people hate getting sick. It feels lousy. BUT - as an HSP, there are benefits of illness. Often, being highly sensitive means that our system is more likely to fall prey to a cold or flu when we are living a life that is too stimulating. Why might that be good? Because we can use illness as information. We can correct our behaviors faster and move back to a healthy state more efficiently. AND - in allowing illness to come and having gratitude for the signals its sending, we can use illness as an opportunity to slow down.

Thursday May 18, 2017
Rolling with the Punches (How to Cope When Things Don't Go to Plan)
Thursday May 18, 2017
Thursday May 18, 2017
Highly Sensitive People prefer to plan before they act. They don't wanna just "wing it." Often that is a good thing, as it increases the likelihood that we produce good quality work. BUT - the one downside is that it can stimmy progress and growth. We can spend all our time planning and doing little actual ACTION. This podcast is about how to respond to situations when they don't go to plan. Can we be okay with being done instead of being perfect?

Sunday Apr 30, 2017
Wellness Tips for HSP Who are ALSO High Sensation Seeking
Sunday Apr 30, 2017
Sunday Apr 30, 2017
It's challenging enough to be a highly sensitive person. Try having that quality while ALSO being a high sensation seeker. Not only is your ceiling of optimal stimulation low...but you ALSO have a floor that is higher off the ground. In this episode - learn how to stay healthy when you are balancing between these two extremes

Thursday Apr 20, 2017
The Importance of Rest for HSP
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
We live in a culture that is constantly telling us to speed up. Crush it. Move faster. Get it DONE. But the reality is that when we rest, we often are more efficient. When we rest, we are also more effective. Today's podcast is about ways you can incorporate rest into your life.

Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Could Less Really Be More?
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
We are constantly encouraged (dare I say...pushed?) to do more...consume MORE. But has that added more value to our lives? I am not so sure. Join me as I talk about how we might actually find ourselves physically healthier, mentally happier, and finacially more secure if we simply learned how to embrace "less" in favor of a tyrannical "more."

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Stop Being So NICE
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
The word "Nice" is defined using words like "pleasant, satisfactory, and agreeable. Maybe you knew that. But did you know that it is ROOTED in the words "stupid and ignorant?" In today's episode, I talk about why being too "nice" might actually be a detriment to your personal health as well as the health of your relationships.

Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Perfectly Imperfect - How and Why HSP Should Let Go of Perfectionism
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Highly sensitive people tend to be disproportionately perfectionistic. What's that about? In today's podcast I'll talk about why we tend toward perfectionism. I'll also talk about why it's a problem (and in what contexts). Finally I'll go over some possible strategies for moving forward and keeping perfectionism at bay.

Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Overcoming Overwhelm
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Adulting is hard for everyone, but we HSP have a tendancy to get overwhelmed pretty easily. When we HSP are overwhelmed, it can be all-consuming. We often tend to berate ourselves for not doing the tasks we need to get done. Or we are frustrated because we can't hear our own inner voice. This episode talks about strategies that can help you move through periods that feel overwhelming.